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  1. College Extra: Honors Expo

    by , 12-02-2010 at 03:34 PM (No Limits on Imagination!)
    Hey guys,

    So I don't know if I said this on Monday, but I partook in The Honors Expo at my college. This is where those who were honor students, and/or had a presidential scholarship would show off their Honors project and what they learned from it. And its completely volunteer-able.
    And I, with not so much experience in presenting a powerpoint, volunteered to do it. For my project I volunteered to help a program called New Life Center, where those who are seeking shelter from ...

    Updated 12-03-2010 at 01:05 AM by Beautifull

  2. College VI

    by , 11-29-2010 at 01:55 PM (No Limits on Imagination!)

    One thing I've noticed here, is that canceling a class is a good thing. And here, it's better to withdraw than have a bad grade. I mean it, three people dropped out of my math class just this morning! All because the last test we took, they got such low scores. Someone had an 8%! But what's so funny is he's one of the ones who stayed! But yes, I was so surprised when I came in to my class, where usually there's four people at my table is now one. Me! I admit, I was so lonely! ...
  3. Have you seen her?

    by , 10-22-2010 at 01:06 PM (No Limits on Imagination!)
    Quote Originally Posted by Biggus View Post
    The coffee shop was quiet
    Much quieter than last week
    When I last saw her,
    Which was also the first time
    But in those seven days
    She has filled my every thought
    I have haunted the coffee shop everyday
    But I haven’t seen her again
    And today once more
    There is no sign of her
    I should ask the waitress
    But what would I say
    “Have you seen that girl?
    She was here a week ago
    The girl who was sat there
  4. Musings of an Author

    by , 10-08-2010 at 01:20 PM (No Limits on Imagination!)
    The number one time, the absolute best time to write is when you're emotional. Hey, it may effect what exactly you write if you're beginner, but from a seasoned writer's mouth, you can channel that emotional energy into a feeling you yourself is not feeling.
    For example. If you're mad, writing a piece in a jubilant excited tone shouldn't be hard. It may have an edgy feeling to it sometimes, but it's not impossible.
    It seems the more you write, the more surprises don't come your way. ...
  5. The Hardships of Writing a Story

    by , 09-18-2010 at 02:02 PM (No Limits on Imagination!)
    When I first attempted to write a story was probably in Preschool, so so so many years ago, I didn't think much, but I like it. I remember running up to my Dad, waving the paper around while running towards him as he came to pick me up.

    I have not changed so much since that time. When I write, I'd like it to be for the sole purpose that I like it. I really don't like writing essays, prompts, or anything like that, but for the sake of animals, I am able to sick in until the end. Wish ...
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