Blog Comments

  1. PeterL's Avatar
    If you want to go to medical school, then some of your classes will not be especially interesting. Medical schools actually look at the transcript, so they will weight a D in Art History differently from a D in Anatomy.
  2. Beautifull's Avatar
    ah. Medical school counts, right?
  3. OrphanPip's Avatar
    Challenging classes and grades are more important if you're looking for application to professional schools or grad school. For the job market, they never look at those details.
  4. Beautifull's Avatar
    I disagree. even the most competent person can fail. A determined person who gives it all their effort...and yes there are those few who are competent...those are the ones that'll make it. The people who take it seriously.
    But when you want to be a doctor, or a nurse, or a teacher, you must take required classes. It doesn't matter whether you think the class is interesting. If you seriously want that career, you'll give it your effort.
    Yes, you can be interested in a class and do well in that class, that doesn't necessarily mean you'll think every single class you have to take is interesting.
  5. PeterL's Avatar
    In several years you will learn that it doesn't make much difference whether someone took classes that were appropriate or not, nor will it make much difference what grades they got. Competent people will do a competent job and the others will do a bad job.
  6. Beautifull's Avatar
    For the career you want, it's better to do even the classes you're not so fond of. If everyone only took the classes they were interested, they wouldn't be able to get the career they want. It's like high school students not taking P.E... It's mandatory that they do if they don't, they will not be able to graduate.
  7. PeterL's Avatar
    I used to think tht taking "challenging" classes was a good idea, but that only applies to things that one finds very interesting. I have found that the things that I find interesting I did well with, and that grades turned out to be an indicator of my level of interest.
  8. Beautifull's Avatar
    I agree, with it being crazy that people dropped. Even with a bad grade, I would stick it out in the end. If they weren't serious, why take the class in the first place. What i don't agree with is only taking classes that you'll ace. Don't you think it's a good idea to take classes that will challenge you? Why would you only take a class you'll ace? The way you say it, it sounds as though you're saying take classes you already know the material in. You take classes to learn new things. It would be good to say that you shouldn't take a class unless you're serious about it and will actually give effort towards that class.

  9. PeterL's Avatar
    Dropping after a certain point is not good at some places, but grading systems vary. I knew people who dropped anything they weren't acing, but I thought it was a waste. It's much better to only sign up for course in which one will do well.

    Making all those friends may lead to misanthropy.
  10. Maximilianus's Avatar
    I can understand the feeling. I remember my day one at high school. As soon as I set foot on the first step of the stairs I was wondering "is this nightmare ever going to end?"

  11. Beautifull's Avatar
    Why thank you Q! And I admit, I love college way more than I liked high school. I do hope it will continue to be remarkable and interesting for me.
  12. qimissung's Avatar
    P.S. Love the sparkles!
  13. qimissung's Avatar
    Where do yu go to school, Beautifull? Can you say? Maybe you could PM me.

    Anyway, congrats on (almost) completeing the first semester of school! That's a good feeling, I remember! You are an intelligent and lively young woman. I predict that school will be a remarkable and interesting experience for you! Because you will make it so!
  14. Beautifull's Avatar
    I do hope so. I want less stress when I graduate.
  15. OrphanPip's Avatar
    University flies by, and when you're done it feels like a big weight lifted off your shoulders.
  16. Beautifull's Avatar
    Oh, wow. Thanks for the tip! I think I would nearly piss in my pants if I had three long papers due...well, right now anyways...
  17. PeterL's Avatar
    That's not bad for the end of a semester, but they go easy on frespersons. Wait until you'll be in upper level courses, and have four 15 page papers, then the other prof announces a 20 pagers.

    The wise thing is get ahead on papers, if you can.
  18. Beautifull's Avatar
    @ Max: I at least was able to explain the basics!

    @Peter: Yes, I know...I need to call the company I'm told.
  19. Beautifull's Avatar
    Yea, but even with how bad you feel, sometimes it's better to get the darn thing over with.
  20. Maximilianus's Avatar
    Sometimes, when you're sick, it may be better to call the soldiers off, regroup and strike back when the weather helps
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