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  1. Money and Debt

    by , 04-19-2023 at 03:18 PM (Memories of the 28th Century)
    I was thinking of writing a post on the stubbornness of pseudo-facts, but then I went to a store to buy some orange juice. I lightened the collection of coins that were weighing down my pocket, and the cashier commented on my use of coins. We discussed that fact that younger people often use plastic for anything and everything, ignoring the fact that there are processing fees for both credit and debit cards. While it is foolish for people to collect change and use plastic for small retail purchases, ...
  2. Policing

    by , 04-02-2023 at 05:52 PM (Memories of the 28th Century)
    In recent years there has been discussion regarding the funding of police. Some people seem to want to eliminate police, while others want them retained. My opinion is a little different. I want the police to enforce the laws, and I think that more police will be necessary for that. As it is, the police enforce those laws that they feel like enforcing for people they feel like working for. I have complained to the police several times over the past several years, but neither arrest nor prosecution ...
  3. Word Abuse

    by , 03-05-2023 at 06:05 PM (Memories of the 28th Century)
    'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone, 'it means just what I choose it to mean - neither more nor less.'. From Alice in Wonderland by Charles Dodson, AKA Lewis Carroll

    One fundamental element of language is that the words have the same meanings for everyone using that language. On the other hand, metaphorical and ironic uses of words are common and are meaningful, and languages evolve, in part, by people using words in different ways. Some people use words ...
  4. Growth of Stupidity

    by , 02-08-2023 at 02:19 PM (Memories of the 28th Century)
    I don't meet everyone, but the people that I do run into seem to be less intelligent than people used to be, and they seem to be less willing to accept correction. I fear that Donald Trump is responsible for part of that. When people who have IQ's in the 80's and low 90's saw one of their own as president of the U.S.A., they seem to have gotten the idea that if he can do that, then I should do whatever I want to do, and no one can condemn me. Part of this thinking is that I have been among the lowest ...
  5. Replacing Drugs with Sex

    by , 01-25-2023 at 03:55 PM (Memories of the 28th Century)
    Humans often ask the wrong questions, then are disappointed when the answers do not work, or work as they would have liked. A realm where that is blinding clear is in regard to the drugs that people use for amusement. Many people ask or wonder about the reasons for drug use, but the answers that they see often related to family, upbringing, environment, socialization, etc., but there is little said about neurotransmitters and hormones. Much drug use is an attempt to get the level of something back ...