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  1. Lost Kittens!

    by , 04-30-2008 at 08:11 PM (Life Stories/Rants)
    Well, for two weeks now my family lost two kittens, both brother and sister (one of which has a "stub" tail). We figured them to be eaten by coyotes, something very common around my house, when my sister decided to put up just one flyer on our mailbox.

    About three days later, a woman comes to our door and tells us that "Stubs" (actually named Rooney) was found following her on her morning walk. She brought him to animal control, and when we showed up the following ...
  2. A Drunk Savior

    by , 04-30-2008 at 07:12 PM (Life Stories/Rants)
    On a cool night, a breeze sent a series of chills up and down my spine. My body impulsively shivered to warm my body up, and I tried to suppress the shakes to prevent myself from looking like a wimp and a fool to my “friends”. Ironically, I was seen as a fool for another reason.

    I stumbled up from my seat by the window and paid the man behind the counter.

    “That it, John?” he asked.

    “I’m good fer the rest. You know I am,” I said.

    “Sure,” ...
  3. Be It Lust?

    by , 04-30-2008 at 07:12 PM (Life Stories/Rants)
    The repetition of her foot
    Rat-tat-tatting on my chair
    Her evr’y move, her evr’y twirl
    That sends a strand of her golden hair
    Into my face, the smell lilac, or coconut,
    Or peaches, too, do fill my nose,
    And makes me feign to be oblivious
    To her evr’y move.

    I wond’r, if only to wond’r,
    When I will have the courage
    To ask her a question, to talk of one thing.
    But the very idea, makes me realize I will be scourged. ...
  4. why!

    by , 04-30-2008 at 03:02 PM (My Blog...How original.)
    Last night was our production!!!!!!!!! it's over! it's somewhat sad.. but no more stupid costumes! yeah! i'm so burning my mob cap! *pours karosine on it* the reception was fun, lots of laughs and got to meet new people that i got along with (as in they actually talked to me!)... something new for me. but i was so tired after and my feet were killing me... oh, but i got a picture of Jeremy putting on make-up! *evil laugh* he ran away so many times. i kinda felt bad for him and he ended up ...
  5. Just Breath

    Just Breath

    What is breath?
    I struggle to find it
    a heart beat

    Eyes open
    or eyes shut
    I do not feel the difference

    The serpent
    twists and turns
    life slips away

    But there is something
    still flashed with warmth
    among the coldness

    sets in just at the moment
    blackness begins to set

    Updated 08-20-2008 at 08:17 PM by Dark Muse

    My Poetry
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