Conversation Between Captain Pike and Virgil

38 Visitor Messages

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  1. Captain Pike! You're still around here. I haven't been here in ages. Hope you are well.
  2. Thanks for stopping by. Yeah I miss it too. Let's keep in touch though.
  3. Yo Dude,
    I stopped by. Seems to be short on words now. Miss this old place , or maybe the times. More later.
  4. Hey Cap. We haven't talked in a while. Hope you are well. God be with you my friend.
  5. It's weird about the black licorice, I don't normally care for it either – it's overwhelming (and I read some where that it has some libido dampening aspect as well, but hell, who worries about that, right?). But once in a while, I get a hankering for it. And there was that movie where Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn are lawyers and Tracy eats his gun that's made of black licorice. They just don't do that kind of stuff today! And yeah, our winter has been extremely wimpy thus far but there's still plenty of time.
  6. Hahaha. I never cared for the black, but I get addicted to the red. Yeah, this time of year puts lots of people into the blues. Just not enough sun. At least this year it's been a mild winter. I would assume it's mild up by you too.
  7. Thank you for your kind comments relating to my blog. I get a little dark this time of year – really need to get that little hut down in Costa Rica. Instead, it was really nice out yesterday (up to 40°F) the sun was just a-blazing, so I wheeled on down to the grocery store and scored a couple of keys licorice, one red one black.
  8. Merry Christmas Capt. Haven't spoken to you in a while. I hope you have a special holiday.

    Here's a present and a card for you.

  9. Got a new blog with more pictures of Matthew:
  10. Thanks. He's a cutey.
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