Conversation Between amuse and Virgil

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Amuse. Thank you for stopping by. I wold love to see some more of your poetry. Frankly I don't think I've posted any in ages. Probably nothing new from me since you were here last. I'm glad you're well. I'm well. And I hope you can stop by every so often.
  2. Virgil, hi!! How are you? Hope all's well, and no...I haven't written lately, though I did log on today thinking to check out the haiku thread. I have been working on my sanity, reading a little from Herodotus, Colleen McCullough, and Eco (notice a trend in topics? ), and trying to absorb all this info on ancient Greece and Rome without undue indigestion. LOL.

    I will write more once...once i hear poetry speaking to me again. It's been awhile, but perhaps I wasn't listening.

    Look forward to seeing what you've graced the poetry section with lately!
  3. Hi Amuse. I haven't seen one of your poems lately. I hope you're doing well.
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