Conversation Between NickAdams and DanielBenoit

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. Hey man I've been pretty busy too. I hate it when I come to that moment of realization that I've spent the past month working and have hardly written anything poetically adequate.

    End of the summer, that's good. I've missed your presence here

    Hmm, I'm starting to lower my ambitions and coming to terms with reality (two years ago I had my heart set on going to Yale or Berkely), now I'm probably just planning to attend some college here in Wisconsin. I still can't decide between literature and film, but I still have time. I've just been so busy I've hardly had time to think about my future ambitions.
  2. That's great to hear ... read.

    It's been one of those years for me (where one has to either succeed or fail with the determination of an absolute). This has made it difficult for me to frequent Lit-Net. It will all be over, not all but what what has kept me occupied mostly, by the end of this summer.

    Are you still deciding on the path you will take after H.S.?
  3. Thanks for your concern, they're doing much better everyone is quite fine now despite Diane's fractured eye and Emily's stitches in her elbow and knee :S

    Me? Well it's been such an emotionally draining week for reasons not only from the accident, but I'm doing relatively well lol. What have you been up to? Haven't seen you in a while, what's up?
  4. I just ready your last blog entry.

    How is Diane's face healing ... and Emily ... I haven't spoken to you in some time: how are you doing?
  5. Whoa, that new profile pic totally freaked me out! Jesus, that's going to give me nightmares.
  6. Omg, I was just in the store today, and I found Synecodche, New York in the $3.99 bin. The very same day my order of the same DVD was delivered. Only, it was $22.
  7. $95

    I just learned about this and it's the last night for me to catch it and I'm running to the city now.
  8. Lol, I already heard about it. I was going to watch the trailer, but my computer was too slow. Sounds pretty frickin' amazing. A one man adaptation of Rambo done for around $200? Crazy. I'm at the library now, so I'll probably be able to watch the clip.
  9. You got to check this out:
    Flooding with Love for the Kid
  10. lol, I was at my second go-to place yesterday and a little pissed, because I found Dogville for five dollars and paid twelve for the copy I have. The funny thing is that Synecdoche, New York was in a three for $10 bin.

    I haven't seen Howard's early films and I own and occasionally enjoy A Beautiful Mind, but if these guys get their hand on a script, you can predict what the result will be.

    There are some mainstreamers that I like, but I don't usually enjoy their films the second or third time I see them.

    I thought that was the purpose of the Oscars.

    When it comes to awards, I have to go with the ones given at film festivals, where money is not factor.
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