Conversation Between ntropyincarnate and Cellar Door

8 Visitor Messages

  1. I think the new style is interesting; I like to see that they are expanding musically, though it is rather reminiscent of S&M, don't you think?
  2. I'm listening to the new album now. Unforgiven III is rather un-Metallica...piano and strings? But it's kinda cool.
  3. Hang your head in shame, Ntropy I hope you at least have a good excuse (i.e., reading a really really good book) Anyway, I like certain songs a lot, but the whole album hasn't grown on me yet. But those things take time with me, regardless of the band.
  4. haha i suppose so...

    anyways, about metallica...i haven't really listened to it yet (the horror!). so i cannot tell you. i am a terrible fan :# oh well i'll get around to it someday.

    what do you think of it? i know a lot of people didn't think it was very good
  5. You can choose to reply to this message but realize that your response, as significant as it may be, will always make an even greater and irretrievable contribution to the increase in the amount of overall entropy in the universe and will eventually be a responsible piece in the resulting chaos.
  6. What do you think of the new Metallica CD?
  7. Hello! =)
  8. I like the veiled Metallica references ("in your closet", "I dub thee unforgiven") Always good to meet a fellow fan.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8