Conversation Between miyako73 and hillwalker

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi miyako,

    I still drop in now and again to read what's new. Most of it is depressingly poor. But I no longer post comments on here. Too much sh1t from a handful of newbies last year and zero support from the Mods.

    It's good to see that you and a handful of regulars haven't lost your touch though.

  2. Greetings, Hill! I see you, but I don't hear you. Why? Is silence more exciting these days? You're still one of the best quality control specialists in here. Take care.


  3. Your wish is my command - just posted.....
  4. Hill, can I bother you for a critique on the opening page of my autobiographical fiction I posted under general literature? Thanks a lot!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4