Conversation Between amuse and Isagel

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Me again - I'm not used to this new way of messaging, but here it is again just to be on the safe side.

    It is SO good to hear from you; how are YOU? I am well, happy, balanced, even.
    [email protected] or [email protected]

    Thank you for writing, I hope things are also well with you.
    Happiness and smiles to you.
  2. Just a small note to let you know I have not forgotten you. I hope all is well.
  3. Isagel...I'm sorry. My e-mail address is [email protected]. I haven't been inspired to write poetry, and realized I haven't written you back. Like not being able to write ever stopped someone from chatting! Oh dear.

    I'm very sorry.

    And would love to hear from you.

    How have you been?

    I've been doing great, my heart has opened quite a bit (I think, though perhaps I'm not the one to judge, hmm(???)), and have just survived a record-breaking wintry snow season.

    It's great to hear baby birds demanding food!

    Thinking about you,


    *Every time I would remember I hadn't written, it was at night when I was away from the computer, and I've been watching my friend's tiny one (15-months-old) during the day...for the last 14 months...*

  4. Hello there. As you can see, I am not writing ;-). Not often anyway. I have a little sweet spawn that steals my sleep and time. Will post pictures. I hope you are well and I will try to catch up with at least some of your poems. Missed you. Miss writing, but for evrything there is a season...and writing requires a brain. A brain that has slept. The Spawn named Iris does not sleep for long periods of time, and sees no reason why I should.
  5. What a lovely, lovely treat!!! I am here again. How are you?? I hope YOU're well? Are you still writing? I hope you still stop by, as it's so long since you sent this message.

    Wishing you well, and looking forward to hearing from you.
  6. Hi friend! Are you still here? My old email broke, but I will drop by here once in awhile. take care, and hope you are well/ Isagel
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6