Conversation Between librarius_qui and Virgil

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh my goodness Libri. I have no idea what happened. I am so sorry. I don't want you to go. If there is something I can do to help let me know. Send me a PM.
  2. Actually, Virgil, I'm not here. And won't be. I'm really messed up about moderation in this group, and whether they will apologize for the way they've been treating me, or I will be banished, because I'm going into a protest here. Begun today.
  3. Hey, I haven't seen you around in a bit. Nice to see you again.
  4. If you go to Andave's latest blog she tells of our meeting up last week: You might be interested.
  5. What happened to your avatar? Funny story in my blog. Think you might get a kick out of it.
  6. News about what? No I can't say there is any news. Just that we're having beautiful weather lately. Spring is my favorite season and it's been perfect for about four or five days. I am well. How are you?
  7. hi there, Virgil! any news? .. hope you're well! see you. / lq~
  8. I understand. It happens here too.
  9. in Brasil there are a lot who were by accident, when very young. it's sad.
  10. That is certainly the right way to do it. I can't understand these single parents these days. Of course most are from failed marriages. But a lot are people who don't get married.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 58
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