Conversation Between BulletproofDork and qimissung

7 Visitor Messages

  1. That one's a keeper! a tour de force of miscommunication!
  2. Aw, thank you! I couldn't stop grinning when I read your comment. I love "Arsenic and Old Lace"! Cary Grant is so great in it! Haven't seen it in forever, though. Now I feel like I should pop in at the library and get a copy! Do you like Abbott and Costello?
  3. A word bouquet: Winter wrapped her in its' icy brilliance.
  4. Wow! This page is awesome!!!!! Where did you come up wtih the idea for this? Thank you for the friendship request. It makes me happy. I was looking at your visitor messages. If you like old movies, may I suggest one of my old favorite comedies? "Arsenic and Old Lace" with Cary Grant. Hysterical. Have a fantastic, awsome, amazing day. That seems a give, considering that the inside of your mind must be at least as bright, colorful and cheerful as your page!!!
  5. Hey, cute profile pic!
  6. It's creative-unlike mine. Maybe one day...
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7