Conversation Between snape and Cunninglinguist

7 Visitor Messages

  1. We had ... to a certain extent, not having to take care of a dog or cat is nice. I'm sure spiders are a bit easier to maintain than a dog ... unless you walk Stanely
  2. Haha, your mother doesn't like spiders either. My mum doesn't like Stanley. She said if he is still alive when I am older and want to leave home, I have to take him with me. Haha.
    Do you have any pets?
  3. I quite like grass spiders; I'm ambivalent about tarantulas. Mother would have a cow either way, though.
  4. Oh hi there. Sorry i haven't replied much sooner. Been busy with school.
    When we first bought Stanley he was half the size and we were told that he would grow to be the size of an adults hand. Stretched out he almost is, but he's not quite there yet.
    Do you like spiders as well?
  5. he's bamf. I think it's a female though - I would image male tarantulas are a lot smaller than females?
  6. Ha, so you like my spider, thanks mate. He's name is Stanely.
  7. Woah, cool spider! ^^
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7