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Fundamentally we do not exist.
Compare Nature in our being:
the light which spirals in
to shape our hands shapes
the motion of Her grace,
and spills dawn, and noon, and evening light
into our bodies shaping, Her radiance,
and whirls our legs in stars, in bright stars, Her elegance;
and our looks, like blocks projecting:
black black black black black


  1. Countess's Avatar
    Nice. Kinda Buddhist. - C
  2. ktd222's Avatar
    Thanks Countess. Glad you liked it.
  3. kiz_paws's Avatar
    I love the way the opening line and closing line enclose this powerful poem. Very nice, ktd!
  4. ktd222's Avatar
    I'm glad you saw that. In this poem we definitely begin and end expressionless. Thanks, kiz:)
  5. PrinceMyshkin's Avatar
    Yes, obviously you DO write - and strongly. I'll be back to look at more but right now I'm still wrestling with those who want to make a silk purse out of the Abraham/Isaac story, which, I realized, is something of a precursor to the infamous Milgram experiment! (
