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My First Blog

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I have never blogged before so I thought I would try my hand at it so here we go.

It is 11am as I sit here and write and it is almost impossible to believe but today is hotter than yesterday 37oc at this time of the day is nuts. We have had a run on days above 30 and it is starting to wear me out. The heat plays havoc on my sleep which then plays havoc on my migraines, I am on my third one this week!!

For those of you that don’t know I am a Twilight nut, really I am obsessed by it I am not sure how it happened but there you go it did. I am blaming my friend Sharon who is a librarian and always bringing me books she thinks that I will like. This time she hit the jackpot I am in love with this series. I know that it is not everyone’s cup of tea but it is mine and a lot of other people that I know. In fact I have ten people in the office reading the book as this very moment one of which is more obsessed then me, hard to believe I know.

My love of these books got me thinking about readers; we are a funny bunch are we not? I have friends that reread Lord of the Rings every year or Jane Austen or any number of other books. I have never been one to reread books and I have always been a little jealous of people that can – that is until now. I have reread these books five times since Christmas and seen the movie five times also. So I have developed a little theory that every reader has a series or a book that they love above all others. A book that you can reread and never get tired of doing so. A book the very thought of makes you smile just anticipating opening the first page to begin the wonderful journey when life is getting you down.

Well I have my books now and I hope that if you do not have yours they are just around the corner.


  1. Virgil's Avatar
    Welcome to bloggiing Jo. I guess I'm the first. 37C is 99F for those who don't know the conversion. Just to compare, we'll be having a low of 2F tomorrow which is -17C. I'll trade ya.

    Well, I really don't get to know a novel until the second read.
  2. *Classic*Charm*'s Avatar
    Aw this is nice, Jo!
    As much as I loved Twilight, they're not "it" for me. That award goes to Arthur Miller's plays...I didn't realize you were quite that obsessed! It's awesome!
  3. papayahed's Avatar
    Hey Jo, nice blog. I don't really have any books that I could read over and over but if we're talking about movies...Star Wars (originals) would be it.
  4. Silas Thorne's Avatar
    Jo! Beware, for once you step one foot into Blogworld you cannot come back!

    I have read Treasure Island and Kidnapped several times and can never get tired of them.

    Second papayhed's suggestion for movies to rewatch..the original Star Wars! Though in the third one Lucas started a trend that would continue. The Empire Strikes Back was a classic.

    Oh, and I simply love watching 'Cyrano de Bergarac' with Gerard Depardieu.
  5. mtpspur's Avatar
    I reread Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini every four years or so. Have not tried the Twilight series though the ladies at work are all over the novels. Welcome to Blogland as Silas mentions. My wife get migraines semi-regular so you have sympathy. Again welcome Rich
  6. Dori's Avatar
    Welcome, friend.

    For me it was The Hobbit by Tolkien that I could reread over and over again, though I haven't read it for years. I don't reread much anymore..

    And opening The Hobbit each time was quite like embarking on a wonderful journey.

    99 degrees Fahrenheit?! My God, that's hot. I walked outside this morning at 7am to go to the bus stop and it was -5 degrees Fahrenheit. I'd take that over 99 any day.
  7. kiz_paws's Avatar
    Hey, Jo -- welcome to the Blogs!

    I will have to see this movie "Twilight" to understand the attraction you have to it (assuming that it is based on this series you mention). Don't worry, though -- I am a die-cast V-For-Vendetta nut all the way!

    And your thermometer is on the total opposite end of mine. At the present time, it is minus forty-three below Celcius. Converted or not, it is NUTZO cold out there!
  8. Joreads's Avatar
    Thanks Virgil I forget the conversions you guys have to do. You can keep the cold though - sorry my friend.

    Charm I must be better at hiding it than I thought.

    Papay I hear you on that one. I love movies and I can and do watch them over and over again.

    Silas I am already hooked so you will see me around. I will try the books you mentioned by the way.

    Rich I am beginning to think this novel is for the ladies and only the ladies. I hope your wifes migraines stay away.

    Dori my friend thanks for the welcome. I have never read the hobbit but I have added it to my list. I don't like the cold to use to heat.

    Kiz the movie is based in the first book. It is no where near as good as the book but still a four out of five. Thanks for the welcome.

    By the way at about 2pm the southerly hit we went from 39 to 22 in about ten minutes. Sorry Virgil over to you to convert

    We are a country of extremes we have floods in Queensland, 45+ temps in the west, and 30+ temps here in NSW. I love Australia.
  9. sprinks's Avatar
    Welcome to the blogs! Most of the books I reread are ones that are easy on the mind, you can open up to any page and know what has already happened and what is about to happen. If I'm sitting down for a good read, then I won't pick a book like that, but if I want to relax, then I read those books over and over again . And I sympathise with you with the weather! . I'm just glad I'm not around Kalgoorlie or anything, I don't think I'd last there!
  10. Cat_Brenners's Avatar
    Glad to see you blogging Jo. Welcome! I have reread several books in my life time.
  11. Joreads's Avatar
    Sprinks I hope it cools down for you there.

    Cat thanks for the welcome to the Blog
  12. TheFifthElement's Avatar
    Welcome to the blogs Jo
    Hey, there's nothing wrong with enjoying Twilight - you like what you like and you're honest enough to admit it regardless of the criticism which is heaped in that direction. I really admire that. I feel the same about a lot of my favourite authors who don't fall into the 'literature giants' camp (so not Dostoevesky, Joyce, Shakespeare, etc, etc). I'm looking forward to reading some more from you.

    Blog on baby
  13. MattG's Avatar
    Hi Jojo, great entry!

    By the by I have a few King books I reread every year or so... and I have forsaken Anna Karenina thus far to do it


    Shame on my impertinence!
  14. andave_ya's Avatar
    Welcome to blogging Jo! I must admit that you almost...ALMOST have convinced me to read Twilight. Almost. Maybe in the summer. .

    Readers are indeed a very strange lot. Very queer . Incidentally, I do reread quite a few books over and again. LOTR is one of them .
  15. Joreads's Avatar
    Thanks fifth it is so refreshing to come across a few sane people

    Matt you shock me you haven't read Ana - King scares the living daylights out of me otherwise I would be reading him to.

    Andave you are a doll as always - now the pressure is on if you read it and don't like it we still have to be friends.
  16. Zee.'s Avatar
    i want to read MORE
  17. Beautifull's Avatar
    ten people??! ...
    that is hard to believe! well, i kno i'm slow, but i am finally looking at your blog site.

    i know u like Twilight, but i don't remember asking if you liked her other book, The Host.