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The hundred dollars

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So, I was ecstatically happy when , after going through my accounts and paying all my bills, I had, besides my savings, which I try never to touch, a cool hundred dollars.
I had seen this very cool dress, a pale mint green, slender lines and just a hint of dressup with the thinnest fringe of pearls at the neckline. One hundred and six dollars, plus tax.
I could swing that and I would have it just in time for a friend's wedding.
After a million hour soak in the tub until my toes resembled large stone raisens, I rinsed off and put on my favorite jeans, freshly washed and smelling so good, my white silk blouse top over a long long sleeveless t.
Minimal makeup, my waistlong, I think it is that long, hard to tell on my own, auburn hair pulled back into one thick braid at the back and my favorite little white cloche on my head.
Strip off the old polish, paint on the new carefully,trying to avoid a smear.
it looked a trifle cloudy outside, so I threw on my thinnest jacket , the air was getting warmer by the minute.
I have to admit I was really excited about the dress. I don't buy myself much, just go shopping seasonally and I rather buy a few expensive pieces along the conservative line of what's wildly popular than a bunch of cheaper junk.
When I got to the mall I meant to just march right into my favorite shop and get that dress, but the tantalizing aroma of Chinese food was too much for me and I found myself swinging to the left and heading for the kiosk which already had like twenty people lined up.
When it came my turn I ordered the usual number two, sesame chicken, stir fried veggies,rice with just a touch of sauce on top.
It was so good and I sat as far away from the mainstream of shoppers as possible, partly because I did not want anyone I knew to see me, I like to shop alone, and partly because I wanted to finish the book I was devouring and was having trouble putting down.
I lingered over the meal and then with a sigh of happiness got up , threw away my containers and headed for the shop.
It was then I saw a mummy and two little ones just sitting forlornly on a bench. They looked so ragged, tired and worn out and my heart immediately felt there was a sad story here.
I said a little prayer for them,walked past them and went into the store.
It was there, my lovely dress and I grabbed the only remaining one in my size and tried it on. I must say, honestly, it was perfect, and fitted me like a dream. I shivered with joy, wondering how I would fix my hair for the weddng and then I slipped back out of it and headed for the counter.
And there they were, the mummy and children, this time standing at one of the counters where a pretty young woman was talking to them.
Honestly, I did not mean to listen, but the music was so quiet in the store and there were not many people at the registers, people were looking and trying on.
'I tried to get a hold of mum and dad, but they have not arrived back from Vienna'the woman said, her voice soft and low and with a sob in it.
"Well, you can all have my bed, I will sleep on the couch, but I know my roomate will freak , and he can be such a jerk' the clerk said sadly.
Then she added' I know mum and daddy will be back by friday, we have only to put you somewhere tomorrow night and then things will be alright. Why didn't you get accepted into the shelter."
The mummy said something about it being filled to capacity and then for some reason the two looked up and my way and I was terribly embarrased. I studiously looked away and returned to the rack the dress had been on.
I put it back with a sigh, marched over to the sad little group and handing the woman my hundred dollars I said' I hope this might help, forgive me for listening in.'
As I hurried away I heard the woman say "this in unbelievable , what a miracle...and then their voices were lost as I turned the corner and headed back out of the mall, penniless and both happy and sad; poor me.
The next week flew by and on the Saturday I dressed carefully in an only twice worn pale canary yellow chiffon dress . It was so pretty and after putting my hair up and adding my little diamond earrings to finish my look, my sister looked in and studied me critically.
'Yah you look pretty and all that , but honestly Eugenie, you could think ahead a little bit It wouldn't have hurt you to show up to the wedding in something new. I mean, everyone else is wearing something new.
But of course you always have to be Miss do her own thing."
I felt rather like smacking Gabriella, but oh well, she didn't know and would not care to know, she isn't that kind of girl.
Almost three months later I met for the first time, formally the mummy and her little ones and she remembered my face and thanked me.
And she said she was doing well, had a great job. We started going out to coffee and talking about this and that.
And then yesterday the door bell rang that there was a delivery guy. He had a box for me,and I signed for it.
What do you think was inside, a dress, my size and the same one I had tried on. Julie, that is her name, has a great memory and remembered I was holding the dress.
I am a happy camper and my sister is amazed I got off my duff and wore something new between seasons.
I love my sister, I love my sister, I love........


  1. The Comedian's Avatar
    What a lovely story. It's good to know that there are good people, such as yourself. Thanks for sharing your words and deeds here.

    Good Hunting!
  2. Madhuri's Avatar
    Wow! what a nice story and a good ending too....
  3. PoeticPassions's Avatar
    What a great story. And how great it is to know there are kind people left in the world... both you and the woman that you helped. Kindness and compassion always come back; I wish more people would spread them around.
  4. Niamh's Avatar
    What a sweet thing to do!
  5. Eugenie's Avatar
    Thankyou. But my brothers both put me to shame.
    One worked five years , seven days a week to pay for the care of a little girl that was not his, and he was in his twenties; and the other brother worked at a terrible job for fifteen years where he was mentally abused and belittled in front of the other workers, so that the other workers sometimes cried for him, just to give money to another sister who was rebellious and with drugs destroyed her health. I still cry when I think of their sacrifices.