The League of Honourable Old Geezers and Geezerettes

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  1. Janine
    Hi, well I see many of my 'Old Geezers and Geezerettes' friends have made it in here. I had to laugh at that title SleepyW! very clever...describes us perfectly. Yes, I do indeed have a lot of very antiquated items, oversize cellphone (go phone), a huge old record (yes, vinyl) collection, an old Underwood typewriter (not for typing), etc.,etc. I even listen to tapes on my old Sony Walkman.

    I love all your photos above and must comment on each. Anyway, my list goes on and on... I am sure I fit in well here; can't wait now to read all the posts. This is my kind of place! Virgil, I can toss in some gray strands. I think that t-shirt is outrageous also but one does see anything out - go to any shopping mall. There is no shame anymore; sad to say.
  2. Virgil
    [Quote=Mom-H]his kids were with him![Quote] O my God. Now that is low. And Papaya if I attempted to go out with my wife with a shirt like that, I would have a black eye.
  3. Virgil
    Welcome to the old geezers club Richard. I think you qualify.
  4. RichardHresko
    Thanks Virgil. I really like the idea of having a place for adult talk that isn't, well, "adult talk"...

    I promise not to wear any tee shirts. Uh, any tee shirts with messages...
  5. Janine
    I am funny about dress; I guess I am from 'old school' of thinking, because if I am asked out to dinner/even a nice lunch, I try to wear something nice. I like to dressup and sometimes I guess I can be a bit overdressed, but I don't care anymore. Anyone else feel that a lot of people go out looking like slobs these days? I even see people in my convenience store, near my house in PJ's - what is with that?
  6. pussnboots
    ok, ok. I've given in and decided to join the old geezer and geezerette club.
    Janine: I have to comment on wearing PJ's to the convienence store. I have 2 pair of flannel bottoms that I bought in the mens dept a while back. They are quite comfortable. I consider them loungewear and I have gone to the store in mine. Of course mine don't look like true pj's but my husband would state otherwise.
  7. Janine
    pussnboots; I hear you. I know the type PJ/lounge pants you mean; I think they are acceptable. However, one night I saw a lady and her daughter, who were definitely dressed for bed, and they even had on fluffy slippers. I had to laugh at that one. I take the trash out in my nightgown all the time - but usually it is about 3 in the morning!

    Glad to see you give in and join the group!
  8. papayahed
    My neighbor walks her dog in full on housecoat and slippers. She works shift work so it's not uncommon to see her walking the dogs at 5 pm in PJ's.
  9. pussnboots
    ok Janine, you got me on that one. Fluffy slippers ? I have a pair of slippers that have a dog face on them. Comes with eyes, nose and floppy ears. I wouldn't dare go out in those!!! When I wear them my dog attacks my feet
  10. Janine
    paypaya, one of our older neighbors was quite eccentric, bordering on senile, I believe; she would go out front in the early afternoon and sweep the sidewalks and she only wore a thin see through nightgown. It was really a hoot to see her there.
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