Sci-Fi Lovers UNITE!

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  1. Joreads
    Has anyone seen Eureka. I am not sure it is sci fi but that is how it was calssified here. I love the show it is great.
  2. Silas Thorne
    Silas Thorne
    I'm addicted to Heroes, and the directors cut of Blade Runner blew me away when I first saw it.

    re Star Trek, remember the classic 'The Trouble with Tribbles', or Spock's double-fisted axe-hand smiting of the 'apparently' beautiful Salt suckers!

    Love long and prosper! And a happy new year to you too!
  3. Joreads
    I haven't watched Heroes I will have to get the DVD's and watch them

    Is anyone here into the Underworld Movies I can hardly wait for the third one to come out.
  4. Silas Thorne
    Silas Thorne
    I liked the first Underworld movie...the second one was a bit too much of an action movie for me, and lost a bit of style.
  5. papayahed
    Hey Jo - I love me some Eureka!!!
  6. Joreads
    Papaya it is a great show isn't it it is now one of my favorites.
  7. papayahed
    It's one of three must see shows for me.

    I'm still bummed about Stark though.
  8. Joreads
    My three are Eureka, Blood Ties and Supernatural - am I weird? Really I am begining to wonder myself now
  9. papayahed
    Blood ties? I haven't seen that, when is it on?
  10. Joreads
    Not sure here in Australia Tuesday nights. Vampire teams up with human Detective great show.
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