Fantasy Fans

  1. Dark Muse
    Dark Muse
    Gerald Brom is one of my favorite Dark Fantasy artists

  2. LC_Lancer
    I love the pics here. All of them are stunning; some with more than a hint of sexually. I hope to post some of the ones I have found.
  3. Dark Muse
    Dark Muse
    Hehe yes, I will try to post some of one of my all time favorite fatnasy artists but I don't want to get in trouble
  4. Janine
    His work is really sexy and I like some of those better than others but they all are nice really. I like the flow of his lines and the elogation of the figures. I had never heard of him before. I like 2, 6, 7, 8 best of all (counting from top to bottom).
  5. Dark Muse
    Dark Muse
    OMG OMG OMG, last night I just saw the previews for the TV Series The Legend of the Seeker, which is based off Wizards First Rule, the first book in the Sword of Truth books by Terry Goodkind, and it looked so totally awsome.
  6. Dark Muse
    Dark Muse
    I just happend upon this, and really liked it

    Tht artist is Kristin Mills

  7. LC_Lancer
    I would love to see any ones (even if that means email) because we would not want you to get into trouble. Some of the things I really like about certain works displayed here would also get me into trouble.
    From Kristin Mills, I like it too, but for a different reason than previously mentioned. It seems the butterflies are leaving. Along with the sad look on her face, it could indicate the events in her or the artist's life are happening in the painting.
    From Gerald Brom, I think 1, 5, 6, 7 emits a sensual appeal and stays with the fantasy realm very well, but 9 is just eerie (in a good way).
    I will have to wait until I get to another computer to comment on the others. Some of the lower ones did not display on this one.
    Speaking of The Seeker, my youngest son is excited about that show also. He really likes Eragon. Maybe he will read it one day.
  8. Dark Muse
    Dark Muse
    In a little bit I will post some of the work of the one who I think is the master of fantasy. He has somethings which would be appropriate to display here. But he also has some highly erotic work.

    I am currently on the second book in the Sword of Truth series. Goodkind is not the most talented writer in the world, but the story is still interesting and one thing he does well is creating a very creepy mood. He has some of the eeriest fantasy creatures I have come across.
  9. Dark Muse
    Dark Muse
    Ok as promoised here are some of the works of Louis Royo who I think is a true master of fantasy art. He is also prolific and has a great wealth of work.

    This is my all time favorite of all his works and perhaps my all time favorite fantasy art image period.

  10. Janine
    Well, sorry but a little too freaky for me; I do however like that one you said is your favorite - the hair is just amazing in that illustration. I like the composition of it, also. The others remind me of slick model types and a few I thought of the wild costumes -"it's Dancing with the Stars". I can appreciate the style and skill involved, but they are quite provocative...guess I feel they all have picture perfect bodies. But then again this is "Fantasy" so I guess anything goes. You are daring posting these pretty provocative pieces, DM.
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