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    No worries, Emil. I'm looking forward to your next book.

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    I enjoyed A Tangled Web tremendously. It was a real treat to read something written by someone on the Litnet. A few of times I'd hear echoes of posts you'd made on these forums coming from Jerome. It made me wonder if Emil Miller (a pen name, I believe) is not also a part you are playing here.

    I particularly liked your descriptions of the Italian coast. Years ago, as a young GI, I had the opportunity to take a train trip from Genoa to La Spezia and your descriptions kept triggering flashbacks of things I haven't thought about in years.
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    At any rate, I'd pretty much figured out how Wakefield would wind up, probably because you foreshadowed his end effectively. But I totally missed guessing the true author of the two novels. I kept thinking it was going to turn out to be previously unknown manuscripts of Thomas Hardy. But then that would have allowed Hugh McGregor to act morally rather than to roll over and let his discovery die. Lawyers, eh?

    But hey, man, I really dug that cat, Jake Melrose. He was the bomb! <<Haha! Joking-joking. Anyway, in the least, Jake never pretended to be somebody he wasn't.

    Thanks again, Emil, and keep writing, my friend. I'll keep reading.

    El Sancho.
  4. View Conversation
    To avoid bloating Kiowa Peak any further, I'll stop by here and say Ghostwriters in the Sky is brilliant.

    Brandenburg gate in the snow, beautiful. I was there just before the wall came down, it is my hope to pass that way again.
  5. View Conversation
    Is it too late to turn my life around?
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    Can I talk with you? I feel I have ruined my life. I wish to seek your counsel. Is it too late to improve my life and find some level of success?
  7. View Conversation
    Emil, I'm not proud to say, I had to look up "memes and tropes".

  8. View Conversation
    LOL! It was just sooo weird! I wonder who she is... Hmmm...
  9. View Conversation
    This is odd. I clicked on your profile name in the Olympic Mania thread and I got redirected to the profile page of someone called LadyLuck...
  10. View Conversation
    Ha, ha yes, certainly no one would vote for the weather. I was speaking to my grand mother the other day who is 77 and it is the worst 'summer' she has ever know, easily. It is supposed to be better from tomorrow (great timing?) so let's hope it is true. The last two nights I have stood watching the clouds hoping for a break to play tennis, not likely, but maybe tomorrow night? Tennis and then beer in the pub!
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About Emil Miller

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About Emil Miller
Favorite Author:
W S Maughham
Favorite Book:
The Moon and Sixpence
I write under the Pseudonym Emil Miller
London, England
Serious Music, playing the piano, reading, current affairs and modern languages
Retired Degenerate


"L'art de la statistique est de tirer des conclusions erronèes a partir de chiffres exacts." Napoléon Bonaparte.

"Je crois que beaucoup de gens sont dans cet état d’esprit: au fond, ils ne sentent pas concernés par l’Histoire. Mais pourtant, de temps à autre, l’Histoire pose sa main sur eux." Michel Houellebecq.


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    Clinging to Douvres rocks

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