Hey guys and gals

I have bought a book at an closed auction not far from me okla. It reads The Complete Works of William Shakespear then has his pic at the bottom it reads 400 Illustrations. Inside of it it says that these documents and records are indeed of the date of 1631-1635. This books has been typed typed carefully letter with letter from records and doc written and had been kept by W.S.
19 YEARS AFTER HIS DEATH these records and documents were found under present/ warrents. this books has talking of authors he admired and vice versa. their are 560 pages and it is ment condition. the outside of the book is green a dark green. it is a bibliography of all shakesperes notes directly from his words no rewriting his literature. plays sonnets family his whole history all in one book. I cannot seem to find any other book to resemble it or come close to it. In the book it reads somthing about their are only like three maybe printed. After that all his work was replica or other words rewrote. I have the book put up so I am not looking at it right at this time but, will have some information on it soon I had a friend take it to the libraruy to see informaiton on it so please if you have any infromation contact me listing big letter shakespere i do not open all my mail at all times unless i am waitng to hear some news please. [email protected]