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Thread: Happy Belated Birthday, Mortis Anarchy!

  1. #1
    Pièce de Résistance Scheherazade's Avatar
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    Happy Belated Birthday, Mortis Anarchy!

    Hope your day held all its promises!

    An interview with Mortis Anarchy:

    1 - How did you come about this site and what makes you keep coming back?
    -I came across this site by searching for "Ten Books You Must Read Before You Die" and this website popped up. So I decided that I wanted to 'hear' different opinions on the same works in literature that I love.

    2 - Have you visited other countries than your own and what did you like about it or not like?
    -I have visited Mexico and Canada. I was very young when we were in Canada...I only remember my brother throwing a fit when my parents left his pacifier in the hotel.As for Mexico, I love it there. Most of my family on my mother's side lives there. I love the food, culture, people and the geography. Probably the one thing that disturbs me the most is the corruption and how drugs have just taken control on society.

    3 - What are your favorite hobbies ?
    -I have always loved the arts, so I guess anything involving art, music and reading. I love to go mountain biking as well. My secret hobby ambition that I plan on starting soon is sailing. My dad passed on his love of water and any kind of water craft.

    4 - Do you have any pets? -I have three dogs. Skipper is my (my dads...) yellow lab that I basically grew up with. The sweetest and coolest dog in the world. My brother has a beagle named Toby, who was loved at first, and then we got Rupert. Rupert is an adorable little white cloud that makes the most hilarious sounds in the world! I'm just joking about Toby not being loved...he is just always begging for food which drives my dad and I crazy! All of our dogs are amazing.

    5 - What makes you happy?
    - For the most part I'm always happy. I can't really stay mad or sad very long. Or if I am, I always just lose myself in whatever I'm doing and then its gone. Anything involving my favorite pastimes, friends or family really makes me happy. Driving with the windows down, singing my favorite songs and forgetting the speed limits makes me incredibly happy though.

    6. How can you get away with being online at work?
    -Haha, my boss loves me. I don't really get on the Internet unless I'm ordering books. I work at the bookstore at my University.

    7. What is mankind's biggest achievement, and its greatest downfall?
    -Hmmm, good question. Mankind’s biggest achievement I would have to say is the ability of humans to overcome extreme obstacles. Greatest downfall from my point of view is our ability to hold horrible prejudices against others.

    8. If you had a long day of hard work ahead of you what music would you be playing on your mp3, while working?
    -It would probably start with really hardcore, screamo music and then gradually fade into Radiohead or Vivaldi. Really just depends on my mood. I try and go bluesy or indie whenever I'm doing homework, otherwise I get worked up and that’s when I make mistakes.

    9. If you could take one book, music album and one video with you to a desert island, what would they be?
    -Oh man, I hate these questions. I can never decided, or if I do I feel like I'm betraying my other favorites. Ok, lets give it a whirl. I would probably take Radiohead's In Rainbows...err Kid A...can I choose two?! For my ONE book, I would probably take Crime and Punishment that way the entire time I could debate whether he is insane or not. Definitely keep myself occupied with that one! As for the video, I would take Pride and Prejudice because I have great memories of my mom and I.

    10. Which actress should play you in a movie based on your life?
    -Rachel Weisz or Selma Hayek. They both have that touch of spiciness and passion that I have. Plus they are both gorgeous!

    11. What makes you smile? (Activities, people, events, hobbies, projects, etc.)
    -My nickname in the 6th grade was Smiley and my junior year my teacher called me Twinkle Eyes because apparently I never stop smiling, which isn't true, but its nice of them. My friends and family make me smile a lot. Especially certain memories, which I wish, I could share with all of you, but I doubt they would make sense.

    12. What were your favorite things to do the past? What about now?
    -I used to love to spy on people. I would spend hours sneaking around my house whenever my parents had dinner parties. I have this memory of our apartment in Annapolis, Maryland where I would sneak out of my room at night. I would hide and watch my parents watch television. I wish I could sneak around and spy on people now, but it’s considered creepy and immature now that I'm older. I love designing sneakers and fooling around with other forms of art. Recently, I've become addicted to the Adobe art programs. I'm still figuring them out, but its interesting going from paper to the computer.

    13. What activities make you lose track of time? -Any of my art projects and surfing the Internet. Actually, pretty much all of my hobbies cause all time to disappear. I love the feeling of sitting at my desk with my art supplies and just forgetting the time exists. I feel like I'm repeating myself! Work also makes me lose track of time...unless it's a slow day, that’s when I feel every painful second.

    14. What makes you feel great about yourself?
    -A lot of things make me feel great about myself. Designing sneakers, painting, rocking out to my favorite music, and hanging out with my friends and family.

    15. Who inspires you most? (Anyone you know or not. Family, friends, authors, artists, leaders, etc.) Which qualities inspire you, in each person?
    - Salvador Dali, Pope John Paul II and my parents have been the most influential and inspirational people for me. Dali kicked the door open to my creativity and because of him and probably my great-grandfather I haven't been able to stop. Pope John Paul II inspired me not because of our similarities in our religion, but that he was such an amazing humanitarian. He really inspired me to dedicate my life to do my part in stopping crimes against humanity. Finally, my parents, because they taught me the important parts of life. They both came from difficult backgrounds, overcame those obstacles and are always there for my brother and I. Integrity, perseverance and that spark that causes people to want to learn are the qualities that really catch my eye and make me want to be the best that I can be.

    16. What are you naturally good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts etc.)
    -Uhh, anything creative that doesn't include dancing. I'm a horrendous dancer it’s amazing. I can move my right ear! Take that you ballet dancers!

    17. What do people typically ask you for help in?
    Artsy fartsy stuff. My brother asks for my help in his English class a lot and my mom asks me to check her spelling, haha.

    18. If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
    -Geography or something creative. Geography would be cool because I love to travel and I think, or in my experience schools in the United States don’t really focus on geography. The creative part is obvious by other answers.

    19. What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?
    -I would regret not traveling around the world or at least not experiencing a culture outside of the America's. I now I would just despise myself if I didn’t live a life that caused me to push my limits.

    20. What song is in your head at the moment?
    -"So shoot me, shoot me, shoot me in the smile!!! I'M GOING OUT OF STYLE!!!" by the Matches. Really cool guys, so if you ever get the chance to see them in concert, don't pass that up! Really fun up-beat rock.

    21. The last book you bought/borrowed from the library?
    -The last book I checked out of the library was Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk. The last book I BOUGHT was probably a textbook. I'm kind of broke after that.

    22. Which book are you reading at the moment?
    -Oh I really don't want to say. I'm just going to make up and answer because I'm ashamed, haha. If any of you absolutely must know, you guys can message me. I'm currently reading The Political Documentary in America Today by Michael Renov. That’s partially true...its an article and I'm avoiding it so that’s what makes it false.

    23. The last book you finished reading?
    -Ways of Seeing by John Berger. It's for my Journalism class, but it is still interesting because of its analysis of art perception.

    24. Favorite food?/ Comfort food?
    -Anything that isn't macaroni! I'm so sick of that, which sucks because I used to love it. Right now I’ve got a cold, so my comfort food is Haagen-Dazs chocolate ice cream, goldfish and this really thick orange juice type drink…I think I’m supposed to mix it with water, but I love the thickness of it. I’m pretty excited for Thanksgiving because my mom is making turkey tamales, which is definitely going to be some pretty comfortable food.

    25. Favorite outfit?
    -I love clothes and shoes. Typical of the female gender I suppose, but whatever. I have this pair of skinny black jeans that has lime green stripes going down them. I love wearing those with my Urgency shirt and my sneakers. I have way to many shoes, but I’m a firm believer in buying stuff that you love. I work to live, not the other way around, so why not buy shoes! Haha.

    26. What are you wearing at the moment? -I’m wearing my Navy running shorts under my brother’s sweatpants, my Aerosmith t-shirt and my Birkenstocks. I’m sick and I skipped my classes to lie in bed all day. ☺

    27. Favorite poem?
    -I have two; Aedh Wishes For The Clothes Of Heaven by William Butler Yeats and The Dead Woman by Pablo Neruda.

    28. First novel you remember reading on your own?
    I’ve been reading since I was very young but I think that the Redwall series by Brian Jacques were probably my favorite novels. I read the majority of Tolkien in the sixth grade, but I think I got hooked on the Redwall series early in my elementary school days.

    29. Favorite TV shows?
    -Well, I’m journalism major so I watch the news a lot. I also am hooked on, oh man, Gossip Girl and House. Gossip Girl, I guess, I like more for that devious Chuck Bass character, and House, well that’s just a really awesome show. I don’t watch a lot of TV during the school week, only because I don’t have one. I also watch Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservation whenever I get the chance.

    30. Which LitNet members would you like to meet in person if you could?
    -Oooh, that’s tough! Well, I’ve always had good conversations and have gotten excellent advice from Niamh and Virgil, so it would be cool to meet them in person. Also Janine and Stlukesguild would be really cool to meet because of their crazy amount of knowledge in art.

    31. Favorite post on the Forum?
    -I dunno, its pretty tough. How about all of them!

    32. Favorite thread?
    -I like the thread, “Which author’s life most intrigues you?” Really makes you think about the author and what circumstances lead to the creation of their works.

    33. Last food did you have?
    -Strawberry Red Velvet Ice Cream Cake. Oh man, delicious!

    34. Last words you said out loud?
    -Probably not anything people would want to read, but here it goes! “My nose won’t stop dripping!”

    35. Last person you hugged/kissed?
    -Myself! I got a 95 on my Human Rights argumentative paper. And my best buddy.

    36. What do you do (for a living) to be able to keep your LitNet addiction going?
    -I work for University Bookstore at University of Oklahoma. Really, I’m working so I can pay OU to get an education and get free Internet. Yay!

    37. Are you happy with your chosen profession?
    -It’s not a profession, but yes I’m happy working at the bookstore. My boss always makes fun of me saying that I’m going to be there for the rest of my life. He says I’m an art major, but in reality I’m Journalism major.

    38. What would you like to be if you could change your profession?
    -If I weren’t going into journalism, I would love to have my own line of sneakers or be a foreign diplomat.

    39. Least favorite book/song/movie?
    -Wow, ok I could list so many! My least favorite book is Cold Sassy Tree. The only book that I didn’t read during my high school days. Hated it! The song that I despise the most is any Hannah Montana, Jonas Brothers or Akon song. I’m sorry, but it’s just not my thing. Least favorite movie is probably Napoleon Dynamite or any other movie along those lines. I hope I don’t have to explain that one.

    40. The most generous thing you have done?
    -I volunteered at an animal sanctuary until my allergies got the best of me! I also have helped organized Troop Drives, which raises goods for soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    41. What is your most outstanding feature?
    -I really like my hair, eyes and my pinky. My pinky is little and it makes me laugh.

    42. If you could change one thing about the way you look, what would that be?
    -I kind of want green eyes. I love the way green eyes stand out whenever a person’s skin color is tan like mine.

    43. Which book do you wish you had written?
    -The Perks of Being a Wallflower or The Picture of Dorian Grey. For me, they are incredibly interesting and very well written. Both also display parts of my personality and I really wish I had written them.

    44. What is your favorite book cover?
    - I really like the book cover of Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace. I love the artistic concept of it and the colors are fantastic.

    45. Most and least favorite characters from books?- I really don’t like Razumikhin from Crime and Punishment. I think he is annoying and too nice. Probably one of my favorite characters from a book is Darl from As I Lay Dying. I also love Mr. Darcy in Pride and Prejudice. Fantastic!

    46. What would your biography be titled?
    - Memorias de un Nadie or Memoirs of a Nobody. It’s not supposed to be ‘emo’ or whatever, I just think that often times the best memoirs or biographies are those over people that aren’t always in the spotlight.

    47. What should you be doing at the moment instead of answering these questions?
    -Getting ahead of the game, as my dad would say. I should be studying for my fast approaching finals or for the entrance exam for the School of Journalism, but I’m going to use my sickness as an excuse.

    48. Wonderful Superman or depressing Batman?
    -Depressing Batman! Wow, I don’t want someone to be prefect ALL of the time. That’s just boring.

    49. The most embarrassing moment in your life?
    -There has been plenty, trust me. The most recent one took place on Halloween. We were at a haunted corn maze and I got really freaked out by this ‘spook’, so I took off running and I managed to trip both the spook and myself. We landed in the corn and I also somehow managed to kick him in the head during our fall. Yeah….that was bad.

    50. Which literary character (s) have you been told to resemble the most?
    -No one has ever really told me I resembled a character from a book. My friend calls me Hermione from Harry Potter whenever I start going in depth on a topic that no one else cares about, but that’s about it. For example, the other night we were walking around the mall and I saw this lady with blue lips which reminded me of my biology class, where I learned about hemoglobin and iron and all of that good stuff. So I decided to share with my buddies about all of that….they think I’m crazy.

    51. List some of the things that annoy you immensely.
    - Dog-eared pages, Crocs, clear acrylic high heel shoes, Ugg boots, slow/bad drivers and overly cocky people.

    52. Anything that you want to forget but you never can?
    -My car accident would be amazing to forget. Maybe then I won’t be so paranoid of ambulances.

    53. One final word of wisdom for LitNet users?- I would have to say, do what you love otherwise life is going to suck.

    54. What would you like to ask to the person to be interviewed after you?
    -If you could base your life off of a novel, which novel would it be?
    "It is not that I am mad; it is only that my head is different from yours.”

  2. #2
    Ditsy Pixie Niamh's Avatar
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    Happy belated birthday Mortis! I'll post you a cake tomorrow. promise!
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  3. #3
    Registered User kratsayra's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday. It was nice to read someone else's interview after doing one. I admitted to liking Gossip Girl too. Hahaha. I love that TV commercial about Chuck using "womanizer."

  4. #4
    Pewter Pots! eyemaker's Avatar
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    happy belated birthday mortis!

    "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise."

    -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

  5. #5
    Procrastinator General *Classic*Charm*'s Avatar
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    Happy Birthday, Mortis!!
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    Why do I still see you in every mirrored window,
    In all that I could never overcome?

  6. #6
    Vincit Qui Se Vincit Virgil's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday Mortis. I loved the interview. I'm glad you're doing well in College. Keep it up. And all your charitable work is inspirational.


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  7. #7
    laudator temporis acti andave_ya's Avatar
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    eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, you mean you're reading the selections from John Berger in Ways of Seeing. I'm reading that book in my English class too, and of the three we've read so far (Freire, Berger, Foucault) Berger was the best. For me. You?

    Happiest of Birthdays!
    "The time has come," the Walrus said,
    "To talk of many things:
    Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
    Of cabbages--and kings--
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    And whether pigs have wings."

  8. #8
    TheFairyDogMother kiz_paws's Avatar
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    Happy BELATED birthday, Mortis!

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  9. #9
    In a rainbow. Mortis Anarchy's Avatar
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    Wow, thanks guys! I didn't know this existed until I was searching for any work over John Berger!

  10. #10
    Thinking...thinking! dramasnot6's Avatar
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    Happy very belated birthday! I hope it was a good one! I enjoyed your interview very much,made me feel like I should be a bit more positive myself. :-) I especially liked your old nicknames!
    I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of anything than of a book! When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.

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  11. #11
    Ataraxia bazarov's Avatar
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    Happy birthday!
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    During times of heavy loss And when you're sad
    The greatest art on earth Is to seem uncomplicatedly gay.

    To get things clear, they have to firstly be very unclear. But if you get them too quickly, you probably got them wrong.
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  12. #12
    Metamorphosing Pensive's Avatar
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    Happy Belated Birthday, Mortis!

    I enjoyed reading your interview.

    43. Which book do you wish you had written?
    -The Perks of Being a Wallflower or The Picture of Dorian Grey. For me, they are incredibly interesting and very well written. Both also display parts of my personality and I really wish I had written them.
    The Perks of Being a Wallflower happens to be one of my favourite books! I agree, it is incredibly interesting.
    I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves of gold there grew.

  13. #13
    Pewter Pots! eyemaker's Avatar
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    Sorry i'm late mortis! I hope you had a happy birthday

    "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise."

    -- F. Scott Fitzgerald

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