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Thread: Happy Belated Birthday, Themis!

  1. #1
    Pièce de Résistance Scheherazade's Avatar
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    Happy Belated Birthday, Themis!

    Hope you had a great day!

    An interview with Themis:

    Why are we doing this interview thing?
    Because I'm so terribly interesting, I'm sure.

    Are you sure you want to do this?

    Got milk?

    If you had a personal theme song what would it be?
    The song that's currently in my signature, (or at least I think it is). It's called "Waer' es auch nichts als ein Traum vom Glueck" which - roughly translated - means 'Were it but a dream of happiness' , created by Franz Lehar.
    I'm hopelessly romantic, I'm afraid.

    Are you male or female?

    What makes you keep coming back?
    The people here. And Virgil's blog entries.

    Are you happy with the way things are here?
    Yes, I can't complain.

    Which countries have you visited?
    Belgium, Canada, Czech, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Tunesia, Turkey

    If you could live somewhere different, where would it be and why?
    It's a tie between Canada (Prince Edward Island or Nova Scotia to be more precise) and Ireland. Probably Ireland because it's nearer to my mother country. Both times because I loved the people there and the nature.

    Do you have any pets?
    Alas, no.

    What makes you happy?
    My family, writing and exploring a place by myself.

    What is mankind's biggest achievement, and its greatest downfall?
    I honestly don't know. Developing speech and languages was great, I think.

    Which actor should play you in a movie based on your life?

    Natalie Portman, maybe. I like her.

    Given the option, what animal would you choose to be?
    A bird. I don't particularly like flying but if it would be I, who'd do the flying, I don't think I would be as averse to it as I am now.

    What were your favorite things to do the past? What about now?[/B]
    It does depend on how far in the past we're talking about. But it's been 'writing' and 'reading' for a long time now. It still is.
    Another one would be, I loved to draw and paint when I was a child. I used to sell my artworks to my family, using the parlour as a gallery. I stopped doing that eventually, especially after my art teacher simply refused to see my talent.
    Nowadays, I also enjoy taking pictures and exploring the woods in and around Vienna.

    What makes you feel great about yourself?

    How did you meet your significant other?
    Haven't met him yet.

    Who inspires you most?
    My mother.

    What are you naturally good at?(Skills, abilities, gifts etc.)
    Writing. Unless I'm supposed to write a formal letter that is. I'm terrible at that.

    What is the one thing you must do before you die?
    Write a book. A good one.

    If you had to teach something, what would you teach?
    Depends on the audience. I probably could manage to teach a language such as German or English to toddlers and children attending the kindergarten. Other than that I'd try my luck at teaching very modern art.

    What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?
    Children. I hope I'll have some one day. I'm told not having them isn't so bad, but I ache to be a mother some day.

    What method do you cherish above all others, as means to improving your life?
    Studying. I don't like it and am not as dilligent as I should be, but I do realize it's the best way to improve things.

    What is your role in an emergency situation: the 911 dialer, the person who runs to the scene to help, the video recorder, or the person too overcome by shock to do anything?
    Possibly the person who runs to the scene to help but has no idea what to do. But I'd absolutely run over and try to help. Nothing's worse than being in an emergency situation and being the only person with nothing to do.

    What song is in your head at the moment?
    "Zeit bleibt nicht steh'n" (Times doesn't stop) by Peter Alexander

    Which book are you reading at the moment?
    "Le journal de voyage" by Alexandra David-Néel

    The last book you finished reading?
    "Witches abroad" by Terry Pratchett

    What is your favourite quote?
    “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." by Reinhold Niebuhr

    Favorite food?Comfort food?
    Comfort food: Chocolate. And anything with coconut in it.
    Favorite food: Pasta in any form, potatoes and cheese.

    What time of day do you most often find yourself on the LitNet?
    Some time between 9,p.m. and 2,a.m.

    What are you wearing at the moment?

    Favorite poem?
    "The Boy in the moor" by Annette Droste-Hülshoff

    First novel you remember reading on your own?
    I'm not sure, but I think it must have been one of Ottfried Preußler's books. "The little water-sprite" perhaps. Or "Little Peter in cat-town" by Annelies Umlauf-Lamatsch, but I'm not sure that one qualifies as a novel. It had a lot of pictures.

    What era do you find most of the books you read are from?
    Could be the 20th century, but I don't think I really favour any era.

    Favorite TV shows?
    House, Coupling, Emergency

    Which LitNet members would you like to meet in person if you could?
    Virgil and Pendragon come to mind immediately.

    Favorite thread?
    "What are u reading right now?[/B]" I enjoy reading about what other people have read and what they thought of it.

    Last food did you have?
    A petit four.

    Last person you hugged/kissed?
    My father.

    What do you do (for a living) to be able to keep your LitNet addiction going? And are you happy with your chosen profession?
    I'm still a law student. I am happy with that. It's hard but I wouldn't want to study anything else.

    Least favorite book/song/movie?
    I don't quite remember the title, but it's a book by Stephen King and we had to read it in our English class. It had something to do with a pregnant woman, if I remember correctly.

    What scares you?
    Death. And anything that crawls or flies quicker than my eyes can track it.

    What is your most outstanding feature?
    I forgive easily. I'm a bit slow on the 'forgetting' bit though.

    If you could change one thing about the way you look, what would that be?
    I suppose I'd miraculously lose a few pounds. Other than that I'm pretty happy with how I look.

    Which book do you wish you had written?
    A novel called "Freund Hain" by Emil Strauß. I'd have given it a happy ending though.

    Most and least favorite characters from books?
    There are so many of them who fall in the first category. For example, I love Samuel Vimes (Pratchett), Josephine March (Alcott) and Algernon Moncrieff (Wilde).
    One of my least favourite characters would be Nell Trent's grandfather in Dickens' "The old curiosity shop".

    What would your biography be titled?
    Difficult to answer, since I'd like to get a little older and more things done before I think of that. But maybe "Her glass was always half full (even when it was really empty and in pieces)".

    What should you be doing at the moment instead of answering these questions?

    Why the airplane window shields need to be lifted up during take off and landing?
    I never really noticed that, so I have no idea.

    Wonderful Superman or depressing Batman?
    Depressing Batman. I can't stand Superman.

    The most embarrassing moment in your life?
    There are so many... I really can't pick one now.

    List some of the things that annoy you immensely.
    Illogicality and primitivity.

    Anything that you want to forget but you never can?
    Anything horrible I've read about. It just keeps coming back to me, usually when I'm all alone and trying to sleep.

    Tell us about some amusing translation mistake you have heard or made yourself.
    I have one I thought to be quite funny at the time the mistake was made. It was made by a 13 or 14 year-old schoolgirl. I don't know anymore what we were talking about but I absolutely remember her saying triumphantly "She became a book!" meaning of course, that somebody got a book.
    And it is a kind of mistranslation because in German we say "Sie bekam ein Buch." When they're unsure of how to express themselves, students tend to 'anglicise' their own language.

    If you had to lose one of your senses, which would you choose and why?
    Smelling, I'd say. Not being able to smell must be awkward, but I think I could live with that.

    What’s the first thing you’ll do in an embarrassing situation?
    Look at my feet to see if anything less embarrasing is going on down there.

    Are you mostly happy with life or are you still in pursuit?
    Rather happy.

    What gives your life meaning?
    I do.

    What type of Faerie would you like to be and why?
    A blue faerie, of course! Mostly because it'd radically improve my flute playing and I'm told blue rather suits me.

    What makes you laugh?
    Couldn't say. Just a few minutes ago I laughed because a baby was laughing on screen. But I also laughed when a dancer said [about having to lift his overweight partner] "I imagined she was a midge and up she was!"

    What was the happiest period of your life and why?
    My childhood up to my first year in school. Because I didn't know unhappiness then.

    Do those animated smilies ever get tired? Think of them day after day, dancing or crashing computers or laughing or crying till the end of time...
    Could be, but I'm pretty sure they work in shifts.

    What part of “Final” don’t you understand?
    I understand every part, I just wish I didn't.

    One final word of wisdom for LitNet users?
    Sorry. I'm fresh out of words of wisdom.

    What would you like to ask to the person to be interviewed after you?
    How do you like your home town?
    "It is not that I am mad; it is only that my head is different from yours.”

  2. #2
    Ditsy Pixie Niamh's Avatar
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    Oh!!!!! Happy belated Birthday Themis!!! So sorry i missed it! hope you had a great day! xxx
    "Come away O human child!To the waters of the wild, With a faery hand in hand, For the worlds more full of weeping than you can understand."

    "If it looks like a Dwarf and smells like a Dwarf, then it's probably a Dwarf (or a latrine wearing dungarees)"
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  3. #3
    Lady of Smilies Nightshade's Avatar
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    Now that would be telling it, wouldnt it?
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    HAppy Unbirthday!!
    I hope you had a great birthday!
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  4. #4
    now then ;)
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    Happy birthday - you are another one that needs to get back here more often
    There once was a scotsman named Drew
    Who put too much wine in his stew
    He felt a bit drunk
    And fell off his bunk
    And landed smack into his shoe
    ~(C) Ms Niamh Anne King

  5. #5
    Super papayahed's Avatar
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  6. #6
    Vincit Qui Se Vincit Virgil's Avatar
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    Oh Themis, you just about melted my heart when you said this:
    What makes you keep coming back?
    The people here. And Virgil's blog entries.
    Thank you so much. I wasn't even sure anyone read them.

    And then you mentioned me again:
    Which LitNet members would you like to meet in person if you could?
    Virgil and Pendragon come to mind immediately.
    You are such a dear. If you were here I would give you a kiss right on your cheek. If you ever paln I being in New York, please let me know. I'll do whatever I can to show you around. You are just too sweet.

    I didn't know about your interest in art. Well that is interesting. Which modern artists intrigue you? I'm curious.

    And happy birthday. I hope it was great.


    "Love follows knowledge." – St. Catherine of Siena

    My literature blog:

  7. #7
    malkavian manolia's Avatar
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    Happy b-day
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    one chance out between two worlds
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  8. #8
    Registered User mona amon's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday, Themis!
    Exit, pursued by a bear.

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