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Thread: Happy Belated Birthday, Mkhockenberry!

  1. #1
    Pièce de Résistance Scheherazade's Avatar
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    Happy Belated Birthday, Mkhockenberry!

    Hope you had a great day!

    An interview with Mkhockenberry:

    Why are we doing this interview thing?
    T reconnect here since I've been gone some time

    Are you sure you want to do this?
    Not really, but I'm doing it anyway

    Got milk?
    Two kinds. Would you like 1% or soy?

    If you had a personal theme song what would it be?
    Billy Joel's Captain Jack

    Are you male or female?
    Most certainly female

    What makes you keep coming back?
    The people and the variety of the site. I really love it here

    Are you happy with the way things are here?
    I don't have any complaints...

    Which countries have you visited?
    USA (where I live) and Canada. Not terribly interesting, but I hope to expand on that in the future.

    If you could live somewhere different, where would it be and why?
    I would like to live in Italy for a time. I love art, literature, and all of those type of things. I would love to see the historical art and architecture there.

    Do you have any pets?
    Yep, two dogs. A 90 pound huskey labradore mix named Keeghan, and a little 30 pound mutt from Spain named Ash.

    What makes you happy?
    Smiling children, thunderstorms, sunny days, the sound of birds in the morning, the smell of freshly washed sheets in the evening...

    What is mankind's biggest achievement, and its greatest downfall?
    Art in its many forms is the greatest achievement, but I think the biggest downfall is jealousy. It is the root of many of the worlds problems, and I'm sure it would be a better place without it.

    Do you feel comfortable in your walk with God?

    Which actor should play you in a movie based on your life?
    No clue at all. I'm too out of the loop to know.

    Given the option, what animal would you choose to be?
    A hummingbird. No real reason, I just love them

    What were your favorite things to do the past? What about now?
    I loved reading, writing, painting, sketching, taking walks, an dsitting outside to watch the weather roll by. I still love all these things, I just have much less time to do them, and when I find the time I'm doing them with my kids.

    What makes you feel great about yourself?
    Accomplishing a new task or learning something new.

    How did you meet your significant other?
    I guess you could call him my high-school sweetheart. We used to work together when I was a teenager, and I guess the rest is history.

    Who inspires you most?
    My children. The inspire me to be a better person, a better mother, and to never quit learning new things.

    What are you naturally good at? (Skills, abilities, gifts etc.)
    It is a bit sickening, but I'm good at almost everything that I put my mind to. I've yet to find something that I can not master.

    What is the one thing you must do before you die?
    Finish my book.

    If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

    What would you regret not fully doing, being or having in your life?
    Nothing. I try to live for the moment and the day, so I don't really think anything is missing.

    What method do you cherish above all others, as means to improving your life?
    Inner relection. If you really know yourself, faults and all, then you have something to improve on.

    What is your role in an emergency situation: the 911 dialer, the person who runs to the scene to help, the video recorder, or the person too overcome by shock to do anything?
    I'm normally the one who IS the person in the emergency situation. I'm a bit klutzy

    What song is in your head at the moment?
    Peter Cotton Tail, my oldest was singing it and the song is just stuck there.

    Which book are you reading at the moment?
    The Awakening still. I'm a bit behind for the book club

    The last book you finished reading?
    I don't remember. Reading time is scarce.

    What is your favourite quote?
    "I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be."

    Favorite food?/ Comfort food?
    Favorite is Strawberry Shortcake, and my comfort food is roasted veggies.

    What time of day do you most often find yourself on the LitNet?
    Evening time

    What are you wearing at the moment?
    My work clothes, so jeans and a blouse

    Favorite poem?
    I don't really have one.

    First novel you remember reading on your own?
    A Wrinkle in Time

    What era do you find most of the books you read are from?
    Nothing Specific

    Favorite TV shows?
    Lost, Hell's Kitchen, and The Deadliest Catch

    Which LitNet members would you like to meet in person if you could?
    All the people here that I consider friends.

    Favorite post on the Forum?
    After three years or so, I don't think I have one.

    Favorite thread?
    The Lit Net Photoalbum

    Last food did you have?
    Roasted Veggies, pulled pork, and greenbeans

    Last words you said out loud?

    Last person you hugged/kissed?
    My kids at beddtime.

    What do you do (for a living) to be able to keep your LitNet addiction going? And are you happy with your chosen profession?
    I work in marketing research.

    What question would you like to ask yourself?
    What were you thinking when you did that?

    What would you like to be if you could change your profession?
    Marine biologist or a biology teacher

    Least favorite book/song/movie?
    Book - The Grapes of Wrath, Song - Anything rap, Movie - Don't really have one. I like bad movies. They're good for a laugh.

    The most generous thing you have done?
    I'm pretty generous all around with my time, but it is ongoing. Nothing specific I suppose.

    What was your very favorite moment in your life so far?
    My two favorite moments were the first time that my children smiled at me in recognition. I can't beat that moment for anything.

    What scares you?
    Leaving my kids without their mother. I guess it is every parent's fear.

    What is your most outstanding feature?
    My eyes. They change color depending on weather, clothing, etc.

    If you could change one thing about the way you look, what would that be?
    Nothing. I've learned to be happy with myself.

    Which book do you wish you had written?
    Lord of the Flies. It is a favorite since I was a kid.

    What is your favorite book cover?
    None, they change so much between publishing. Plus, I'm a sucker for the hard bound kind with no real cover art.

    Most and least favorite characters from books?
    Least favorite is Edna in The Awakening. I just don't really understand her motivations even though I love the book. I don't have a single favorite that I can name.

    What would your biography be titled?
    Life in Fast Foward

    What should you be doing at the moment instead of answering these questions?
    Anything else more productive like the dishwasher, laundry, write...

    Why the airplane window shields need to be lifted up during take off and landing?
    To give me something to be irratated about when flying.

    Wonderful Superman or depressing Batman?
    I'm a Batman girl

    The most embarrassing moment in your life?
    When I told Tom "I take you to be my wife" instead of "husband" on our wedding day.

    Which literary character (s) have you been told to resemble the most?
    None, I'm the big reader in my house.

    List some of the things that annoy you immensely.
    Talking when others are, arguing, lying, people who are driving but should never have been given a liscense, people who have all the capability to learn things and don't take advantage of it.

    Anything that you want to forget but you never can?
    Yes, but I'll not go into details.

    Tell us about some amusing translation mistake you have heard or made yourself.

    If you had to lose one of your senses, which would you choose and why?
    I guess if I had to choose it would be my taste. I get much more satisfaction from the others even though I love to eat food. I can't imagine never being able to smell a flower or feel the texture of my daughter's curls. It would be horrible to never see their smiling faces or hear their laughter, so I would certainly sacrifice my love for the taste of food to enjoy all the rest.

    What’s the first thing you’ll do in an embarrassing situation?
    Smile and poke fun at myself

    Are you mostly happy with life or are you still in pursuit?
    I'm happy WITH the pursuit. That is part of life to me, and I wouldn't be happy without it.

    What gives your life meaning?

    What type of Faerie would you like to be and why?
    I'm not sure... I think I would like to try a few kinds out to see what I liked.

    What makes you laugh?
    All kinds of things. I'm an easily amused person.

    What was the happiest period of your life and why?
    I'm always happy so I can't say there is one period better than the other. Life has its ups and downs, but I can't say any single time that was better than the others.

    Do those animated smilies ever get tired? Think of them day after day, dancing or crashing computers or laughing or crying till the end of time...
    I guess they would. Maybe they are sleeping while we are not looking. Or maybe, this is how they sleep, and if they were looking asleep then they would be awake. Maybe we should better define tired.

    What part of “Final” don’t you understand?
    All of it. Nothing is ever Final and all things are open for negotiation

    One final word of wisdom for LitNet users?

    What would you like to ask to the person to be interviewed after you?
    What one thing would you NEED to have on a deserted island if you didn't have to worry over food and water?
    "It is not that I am mad; it is only that my head is different from yours.”

  2. #2
    Ditsy Pixie Niamh's Avatar
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    Oh my! it appears i've missed a few birthday! Sorry its so late a birthday wish Meg. But Breathla Shona. (((hug)))
    "Come away O human child!To the waters of the wild, With a faery hand in hand, For the worlds more full of weeping than you can understand."

    "If it looks like a Dwarf and smells like a Dwarf, then it's probably a Dwarf (or a latrine wearing dungarees)"
    Artemins Fowl and the Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer

    my poems-please comment Forum Rules

  3. #3
    Lady of Smilies Nightshade's Avatar
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    Now that would be telling it, wouldnt it?
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  4. #4
    now then ;)
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    There once was a scotsman named Drew
    Who put too much wine in his stew
    He felt a bit drunk
    And fell off his bunk
    And landed smack into his shoe
    ~(C) Ms Niamh Anne King

  5. #5
    Super papayahed's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday!!!!!
    Do, or do not. There is no try. - Yoda

  6. #6
    Vincit Qui Se Vincit Virgil's Avatar
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    Great interview Meg. So enjoyable.

    The most embarrassing moment in your life?
    When I told Tom "I take you to be my wife" instead of "husband" on our wedding day.
    Oh that had me laughing. It is a tense moment and we are inclined to make mistakes. I won't tell you about mine.

    Given the option, what animal would you choose to be?
    A hummingbird. No real reason, I just love them
    I cannot picture you as a hummingbird. I picture you as a large owl, powerful and all observing.

    Happy Birthday.


    "Love follows knowledge." – St. Catherine of Siena

    My literature blog:

  7. #7
    Fingertips of Fury B-Mental's Avatar
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    Happy Birthday Meg. Hope it was splendid.
    "I am glad to learn my friend that you had not yet submitted yourself to any of the mouldy laws of Literature."
    -John Muir

    "My candle burns at both ends; It will not last the night; But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - It gives a lovely light"
    -Edna St. Vincent Millay

  8. #8
    solid motherhubbard's Avatar
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    happy birthday, Meg! Sorry I'm so late.

  9. #9
    All are at the crossroads qimissung's Avatar
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    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope your day was wonderful. May the muse be ever at your side, may your children's and your husband's kisses linger ever at the corner of your lips, and may art, music and sunny days follow at your heels like an eager puppy.
    "The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its' own reason for existing." ~ Albert Einstein
    "Remember, no matter where you go, there you are." Buckaroo Bonzai
    "Some people say I done alright for a girl." Melanie Safka

  10. #10
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    Thanks to all of you! No worries on a missed birthday This was one of those years it came and went in a blur

    Virgil - If you could see the way I fidget and never seem to hold still, then you would see the hummingbird An owl would be cool too, though, and I especially like the "Powerful and observing" part. I don't know about powerful, but observing... Nope not in the least Nothing gets by me bigger than an island, and yes I do mean island. When living out in Washington state I once thought one of the islands I could see in the distance was a naval ship, but couldn't figure out why it was always there. Then one day I made the comment to my dad, they were up visiting, about this ship that was always out there and how great it is to see one so frequently. Being a navy base, you would have thought they were common, not so. Needless to say I still can't live it down.

    Oh well, it was a great day. Thanks again to everyone, and B it is good to see your name on the screen again. I hope all is well, and you should feel guilty for not sending a PM for months and leaving me to worry

    Much Love,

  11. #11
    TheFairyDogMother kiz_paws's Avatar
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    I, too, am sorry that I am late to wish you all the best, Meg! I hope that your day was lovely. I really enjoyed reading your interview. Those are fun.

    Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty
    ~Albert Einstein

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