In old Ohio, a girl smiles
Wearing a flowered dress
Sitting in the grass, or taking
A photograph, somewhere

In the long ago Ohio of black
And white photographs
Of summer days long past
June seventy two years ago

Days many do not know
Of now so long ago summer
Grass, fireflies, different times
And different lives, many summers

Ago in old Ohio- in the backyard
Of the house the flower bush
Blooms again in old photographs
Does it bloom now? I wonder so

About the details of that day
So faraway, lost somewhere
In old Ohio- the girl holds a
Fan and stands by a fountain

In a black and white world
I can't quite see in days before
I was born, a world I can not
Completely understand born

Long after those days were
Gone I can only feel nostalgia
For a world I will never see
The world of old Ohio but though

Those days seem faraway they
Also seem very near as I glance
At the photographs of my friend and
Think of her memories of old Ohio

The girl in the photograph is
Part of the present to me
As I feel nostalgia for a place
I've never been and I walk

Tthe streets of
The old neighborhood in
Ohio that she grew up in
In my mind- I'm lost somewhere
In old Ohio

For my 85 year old online friend originally from Ohio, who lives in California