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Thread: Emily Dickinson's Dog ???

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Emily Dickinson's Dog ???

    Hello to one and all,

    I am here for the first time due to the fact that I need a great deal of help.
    I was given the assignment " Explain how Emily Dickinson's dog influenced her poetry." I have Googled and Dogpiled ( not to mention pulled out my hair) for hours and have come up with nothing. Does anyone have any opinions/ knowledge on this topic?

    Thanks in advance for any light you can shine on this subject.

  2. #2
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Oh you poor thing!!! I shall try and help. I think Emily's dog helped influence her poetry because he was always with her (emily's dog usually went to long walks with her) I think Emily considered her dog more of a friend, someone who inspired her, someone who always listened to her woes and worries. Sometimes animals can be better friends than humans...hehe, sorry...I sometimes get carried away.

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Jun 2006
    Oh you poor thing!!! I shall try and help. I think Emily's dog helped influence her poetry because he was always with her (emily's dog usually went to long walks with her) I think Emily considered her dog more of a friend, someone who inspired her, someone who always listened to her woes and worries. Sometimes animals can be better friends than humans...hehe, sorry...I sometimes get carried away.

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