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Thread: Merging threads together

  1. #1
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Merging threads together

    So I had a minor conversation going about Death of a Salesman and suddenly I noticed that it had become absorbed into another thread, or actually a series of threads, each of which had died out long ago. Then, tacked onto the end of my thread, was another thread about DOAS that really dealt with quite another issue about the play. The OP of what is now some kind of monstrous mega-thread was written in December of 2003 by a member who was last active in June of 2004.

    Am I wrong to consider each treatment of a subject (even the same subject) as a unique conversation in and of itself, unique to the specific theme of the respective OP, and unique in its direction, and unique to the specific group of people who are, or were, engaged in that conversation at some very particular point in time?

    In addition to that consideration, which seems obvious enough, it seems clear also that people have a tendency to want to become more active in new or newer conversations. Seeing a thread that’s seemingly old and goes on for pages and pages makes people think that no matter what they’ve got to say, it’s probably already been said.

    Is it a bandwidth issue? I have participated in a lot of forums but I must say I’ve never seen conversations just shoved together like this before.

    I’m not criticizing. I’m fairly new here and probably don’t have that right. I am genuinely curious though. It’s very strange to me, this way of handling threads.

  2. #2
    Hero Admin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    East Lansing, MI USA
    From what you describe it does sound inappropriate. Thread mergers should only be for threads started at the same time for the same thing. "Did anyone else see that comet last night?"
    Chris Beasley
    The Literature Network

  3. #3
    Registered User
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Thanks, Chris. That's what I would have thought. Here's the thread in question:

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